
Showing posts from August, 2016

Ofsted Update their School Inspection Handbook - 23 August 2016

Today, 23 August 2016, #Ofsted published updated guidance on how they Inspect #Schools. Read more on the Ofsted Website >>>>>> #edchat #concrewtraining #cif #education #teachers 

Ofsted Update Guidance on Inspecting Safeguarding - 23 August 2016

#Ofsted have today, 23 august 2016, updated their guidance on how inspectors should inspect #Safeguarding in early years, education and skills under the common inspection framework Read the latest guidance here #fe #furthereducation #edchat #concrewtraining #wbl #apprenticeships #earlyyears #cif #education #schools #teachers

Gender Pay Gap Reporting Training Course & Consultancy

Concrew Training's one-day good practice workshop on Equal Pay Audits brings participants up to speed on the latest requirements for Gender Pay Gap Reporting and how best to meet them.  We can also provide consultancy on and around your systems and procedures find out more here #equalpay #equalpayday #gendergap #equalrights #equalityact #hr #humanresources  #concrewtraining #employment #tribunal #CEO #fe #schools #publicsector #unions

Gender Pay Reporting - Are You Ready?

What’s Happening and When The latest indication are that larger UK Employers will have to publish reports on gender gaps in pay and benefits in 2018 and whilst this may seem like a long way off, It is probable that the reporting period will be on the 2017/18 financial year. Which leaves just 9 months for employers to ensure their pay and benefits offer is non-discriminatory.  The Drivers Behind Reporting Despite the Equal Pay Act being introduced some 46 years ago The 2015 Office for National Statistic’s annual survey of hours and earnings showed wide variances in gender pay.  Variances were reported across all industries and services and by location, age, sector, and role.   Many of the variances reported were worryingly high.  For example:           Within education, the average gap was 25.7%           Across all industries and services it was 19.1% The Worry for Business It is probabl...

Ofsted require Self Assessment Reports by January 2017

#Ofsted have recently announced that they have copies of Provider self assessment reports that were on the Provider Gateway when it closed in April 2016 but will require Providers to supply their latest version before the end of January 2017. More information If you need help and support with your self assessment report please contact Concrew Training for price quote #sar #fe #furthereducation #edchat #concrewtraining #wbl #apprenticeships

Ofsted support for FE Provider Improvement - September 2016

#Ofsted has updated it guidance on how it will inspect, challenge and support provider improvement from September 2016. How it will inspect: The September 2016 inspection hand book for Further Education and Skills How it will help providers that require improvement get to good or better: September 2016 on Support and Challenge for Further Education and Skills Concrew Training offers one-day workshops that explain all the latest changes and give guidance on how to prepare for and succeed at inspection #concrewtraining #fe #furthereducation #edchat