DIY Email Marketing and Digital Newsletters

Learn about #DNS #SPF #DKIM #DMARC #CPanel Newsletter editing screen shot from Concrew Training. "Big Data is watching you" by Jeremy Keith used under CC BY 2.0 The above are all daunting terms for those first venturing into #Digital Newsletters and #EmailMarketing. #ConcrewTraining "Give Something Back" support for small business helps you get through the technical barriers behind email marketing and email newsletters. We work with you to get the setting right, you get hands on experience with drop and drag email editors and we show you where the free to use services are and how they work. Our #GiveSomethingBack support is heavily subsidised which makes it affordable for even the smallest #startup #business. Launch prices start at £25+vat per hour plus travel at £1+vat per hour (round trip) Based in #Mansfield #England our support is perfect for new business, start up and small enterprise as well as #Charity / #Charit...