
Showing posts from July, 2018

5 Key Benefits of Employee Representation

image: "how to run and effective meeting" by Nguyen Hung Vu  used under CC BY 2.0 The UK’s ICE regs (Information a nd consultation of Employees Regulations) give employees, subject to certain conditions, to request that their employer sets up, updates or changes arrangements to inform and consult them about issues within the organisation or business. Whilst appointing employee representatives and setting up an employee forum may appear onerous it actually offers significant benefit to the organisation, management and employees alike. IT CAN HELP IMPROVE: #Communication & Company Performance by ensuring clarity of understanding and removing uncertainly worry and rumour. #Decision Making and Management Performance because managers have better access to the views of those at the sharp end of the business, ie customer facing and operation employees that have to instigate and deliver organisational strategies. #Employee Performance and Commitment ; enga...

Facebook fine - could it have been £479m ?

According to today's press the #ICO are fining #Facebook £500,000 for breaching the data protection act.  This is the maximum fine allowed under the data protection legislation that was in place when the breach occurred.   Kyle Taylor, director of campaigning group Fair Vote UK is reported as saying  "Under  new GDPR laws,   the ICO could fine Facebook £479m"  The ICO has fined 54 organisations so far this year.  Looking at these fines in more detail many relate to failings in common business activities that may have been prevented with better staff training and awareness on the importance of privacy and data protection.  For example: inappropriate CCTV signage - £2000 multiple addresses in the email "to" field - £80000 data breach due to weak passwords - £100000 sensitive data left insecure - £35000 secondary web site left insecure - £120000  lost unencrypted DVDs that contained sensitive information - £325000 Inappr...