
Showing posts from October, 2018

136000 slaves in Britain today !!

Image:  Sweatshop project  by marissaorton used under CC BY-SA 2.0 Ask most people when slavery ended in the UK and they are likely to say "a long time ago".  Historians might quote the Slave Trade Act of 1807 or the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 but few are likely to say it still exists.   The 2018 Global Slavery Index estimates that Britain was home to about 136000 modern day slaves in 2016.   Analysis of some 6076 cases reported via the National Referral Mechanism in the 12 months to June 2018 suggested 66% were male.  Common industries included, food processing and packaging, construction, agriculture.   The following UK imports are at high risk of manufacture, packing and shipping involving slave labour: Apparel and clothing Laptops, computers and mobile phones Fish Cocoa Rice The 2015 Modern Slavery Act, gives law enforcers greater tools to fight slavery in the UK but is also places larger businesses under ...

New Ofsted Inspection Framework - Big Changes ahead?

With concern that #schools and #colleges are now #teaching students to pass tests proposals have been made to move the focus of #inspection away from  headline data and look in more detail at how schools are achieving these results, and whether they are offering a curriculum that is broad, rich and deep. More information from #Ofsted here

GDPR training - more great feedback from delegates

Out latest variant of #training on the #GDPR, a highly customised course round one organisations #dataprotection, use of #socialmedia and the general data protection regulation was well received by all delegates and the feedback we received was excellent. More information on Concrew Training's data protection related workshops via the links below Data Protection, GDPR and PECR Data Protection Privacy Impact Assessments Understanding the PECR (ePrivacy / privacy and electronic communications) Using Social Media at Work - Rights and Responsibilities #hr #humanresources #marketing