GDPR 2020 are you AGE compliant ?

GDPR 2020 - are you AGE compliant ? Are you #GDPR compliant? When do you last review and update your GDPR policies and procedures, when did you last train staff in Data Protection. The amount of companies and organisations reporting breaches to the ICO continues to rise. Ultimately and most can be attributed to management and staffs’ poor understanding, implementation of and adherence to, the GDPR legislation. Last week the ICO issued a new and final set of rules designed to improve the protection of children. Do you know what the 15 standards are? Do your staff and especially those involved in developing and commissioning products and services understand them fully? Are all of your online systems, procedures, policies, products and services age appropriate? The final code expects that the best interests of children will be a primary consideration when designing and developing online services. It gives practical guidance on data protection safeguards that ensure...