
50% of FE providers lack effective strategies and expertise to support students who have learning diffculties

The Government and Ofsted have expressed concerns  that High needs learners are not always receiving the  support they need to reach their potential Read the full press report here Concrew training offers a wide range of high quality, high value, one-day workshops that help schools and colleges improve their support for students with learning differences and difficulties Read more about our course offer here

Trainers, Tutors and Learning Support Assistants - Working Together Better

The effectiveness of the support provided by teaching and learning support assistants is highly dependent on the way that the teaching and learning support assistants role is developed and integrated into lesson planning and delivery.  For learning to be optimised it is essential that management, teachers and the learning support staff all have a clear, agreed and unified approach to the way they teach and support learning. For example, all students need to be stretched and challenged and helped to become more independent; but, simultaneously, they need to be provided with more detailed guidance and support as and when they need it.  These opposing goals are never easy to balance but they better achieved when management, teachers and support teams approach the classroom with common aims, objectives and approaches. One of the most effective ways to achieve this to for a groups of representatives from the various teaching and support teams, teachers, tutors, lecturers,...

Guidance on Conduct during Ofsted Inspections

Today, 29 February 2016, The UK Government published guidance on how Inspectors and Education Providers should behave during inspection Read the guidance document here Concrew Training provide guidance and support to learning providers on Ofsted Inspection of Further Education and Skills including training on Preparing for Inspection Nominee Training Robust Self Assessment #ofsted #inspection #fe #furthereducation

The European Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR )

In January 2016 the draft Directive 95/46/EC was released.    More commonly known as the European Data Protection Regulation this draft legislation  is designed to   harmonise data protection laws in place across the EU. I t is vitally important that all businesses and organisations understand what it means and how it will impact.  Once the legislation comes into effect the European Union will have the most stringent data use and protection laws in the world with serious fines for breaches.  Being a “regulation” instead of a “directive” means the legislation will apply all EU member states directly and without the need for individual states to implement it through their own individual legislative processes. It includes: Rigorous requirements for obtaining consent for collecting personal data. The age of consent for collecting an individual’s data increased from 13 to 16 years old. Data to be deleted if it is no longer used for the pu...

Gender Pay Gap Reporting gets closer - Book your Equal Pay Auditing Training Now

Today, 12 February 2016 the Government published it consultation papers on Gender Pay Gap Reporting ( link here ) Concrew Training has been raising awareness on this subject for some time now and whilst it may still seem a long way off - 2 years before results need to be published Senior and HR Managers will need to ensure their operational management and HR teams are fully conversant with the requirements well before then. Robust and effective mechanisms to gather and report on pay will have to be in place in within the next 12 months more on our equal pay auditing workshop here #equalpay #genderpaygap #genderequality #hr #ceo #management #nickymorgan #raisethewage

supporting young people with mental health issues

The number of young people experiencing mental health problems is estimated to be somewhere between 10 and 20 percent.   The  National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) has expressed concern over the numbers and the lack of resources available to help.   Concrew Training believe far more can be done at the teacher trainer level to identify and support students who may have problems.  Early interventions are often highly effective and low cost but teachers, trainers and support staff need to understand the signs and be trained to respond appropriately Concrew Training's one-day workshop on student mental health issues is perfect for inset day training for up to 20 staff.   read more here #studentmentalhealth #headteachers #mentalhealth #colleges #fe #schools #teachers #depression #education #classroom #edchat #mind

The 2017 Apprenticeship Levy

Under new legislation due to come into effect from April 2017 ALL UK employers with an annual payroll of over £3 million will be subject to a 0.5% levy to help fund Apprenticeships.   Details on the scheme and avoidance penalties can be found here #fe #apprenticeships #finance #tax #levy #apprenticeshiplevy #business

Safer Internet Day 2016 - teaching E Safety

Tomorrow, Tuesday 09 February 2016 is Safer Internet Day 2016 Safer internet day is designed to encourage organisations to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.  Most students and young people use the internet and social networks on a routine basis and it is important the all those involved with young people understand the common platforms, how they work and the potential risks.    Asking the IT dept to block access to selected web sites is an ineffective solution.  Proxies, VPNs, Mobile Phones, Tablets etc by pass such blocks with ease.   Young people are often highly conversant with the technology and circumventing blocks but they are often less able to identify and so avoid potential risks. It is imperative that all those involved with you people get up to speed with the risks and consider how they can get E Safety messages across i...

£80m of funding to boost support for special educational needs (SEND)

Minister Edward Timpson has, today, announced an £80 million package to help extend opportunities to children with  special educational needs and disability ( SEND ) to help give them the same opportunities as any other child. more information here Concrew Training offer a range of one-day workshops to help teachers, trainers and learning support teams understand students learning differences and disabilities better and ways that they can adapt their teaching to make learning more accessible for all more information here #fe #furthereducation #schools #edchat #education #sen #disabilities #autism #dyslexia #asd #specialneeds

Data Privacy Day 28 January

28 January is the international day to promote awareness respecting privacy, safeguarding data and enabling trust.   This coupled with the pending European changes on data protection make it the perfect day to review your data protection policies and book training for managers and staff Concrew Trainings' one day workshop on Data Protection meets most peoples needs. Continue Reading.....    # privacy #dataprotection #training #hr #humanresources #trust #management #dataprivacyday