
Meeting the Demands of the Ofsted Annual Report 2015-2016

THE OFSTED ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 #ConcrewTraining provides a wide range of good practice workshops designed to help #managers, #teachers and #trainers to understand and meet the challenges facing them in their quest to become an outstanding Provider. The bullet points below are extracts from the latest #Ofsted annual report. They highlight where improvement is needed The report and headline findings can be found here. OVERALL PERFORMANCE The overall performance of general #FE #colleges continues to decline. A large majority of FE Colleges that previously required improvement or were inadequate did not become good. Too few #apprenticeships deliver professional, up-to-date knowledge and skills in the  sectors that need them most and too many are of poor quality. 37% of the apprenticeship programmes we inspected this year were found to be less than good. General FE colleges continue to struggle to meet all of the requi...

Ofsted Annual Report 2015/16

#Ofsted have now published their 2015/16 annual report on England's #education system with the headline: "its still short of world class" Read the headlines findings:  here Download the full report: here #schools #fe #furthereducation #edchat #teachers

Ofsted Report on Outstanding Providers 2015 - 2016

#Ofsted have now published an updated list of education providers who have been  judged to have outstanding overall effectiveness in an Ofsted #inspection. Concrew Training congratulates the 4400 organisations named but is disappointed to see that only 24 come from the Further Education and Skills sector !! #fe #furthereducation #schools #edchat #concrewtraining  

Have you published your Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement ?

The introduction, in 2015 of the UK's Modern Slavery Act, required larger organisations that carried out business in the #UK to eradicate  slavery and #socialinjustice in their global supply chains and to publish a #slavery and #humantrafficking statement each financial  year UK Government guidance recommends that theses statement be published within six months of the end of the organisation’s financial year.  This means that if the year runs from 1 April to 31 March publication of the first statement was expected by 30 th September 2015. Good practice also requires organisations to promote the need to eradicate slavery and social injustice and to train their staff in good practice.  Concrew Training provides support in both areas more information here #modernslavery

£300m for music education hubs

UK Government to provide £300 million to a network of 121 music education hubs to work with #schools, local authorities and community organisations to get more young people taking part in #music and #arts. Read more .... #edchat #training #teaching #musicarts #musicandarts

Combatting Bullying and Harassment

#NSPCC / #Childline report that bulling, remains, as it has done every year from 1989 one of top concerns of children who contact them.   NSPCC/Childline's latest published headline findings remain a concern, one that must prompt all educators to consider if their staff need refresher training  #bullying  ********************************************************************************************************* Quoting from the NSPCC/Childline " Bullying is the second most common reason for boys and the third most common reason for girls to contact Childline. It makes up 9 per cent of all counselling sessions (25,740 sessions in 2015/16). Bullying is the most common reason for children aged 11 and under to contact Childline; almost 1 in 4 sessions with this age group in 2015/16 were about bullying. Physical bullying is the top bullying concern for children aged 11 and under; peer pressure is top for 12–15 year olds and online bullying for 16–18 year old...

Have you conducted an equal pay audit yet ? learn how now !

Despite the fast approaching deadline for larger businesses to publish details on gender pay gap differences it is thought that too many senior managers believe that they offer all staff equal pay and benefits for equal roles and consequently have not given thought to the consequences if their belief is misplaced. The current tribunal case brought by Asda store staff provides a good indication of how differences can be perceived and the implications of such differences of opinion.   In most cases equal pay audits can be used to identify and address issues before they escalate to levels such as this. Concrew Training's  equal pay and gender pay gap audit training courses help senior managers and HR staff conduct more effective equal pay audits.  #Asda #EqualPayDay #EqualPay #WomenSucceed #ukemplaw #hr #humanresources #paygap #union #hrnews #genderequality # gendergap #ConcrewTraining

Great Feedback on our training course The Effective Employee Rep

Some great feedback on the Effective Employee Representative Training we delivered last week for a major building, refurbishment, Maintenance and Energy contractor. read the course overview and the latest delegate feedback here #hr #humanresources #training #cpd #concrewtraining #ukedchat #workplace #unions #union #work #employee #employmentlaw #jobs

Delivering More Effective Lectures and Presentations

Using lectures and presentations to get important messages across is far from easy. The longer the lecture the more difficult the task becomes.  Learning by listening and note taking is seldom effective and  when the audiences’ attention wanes, typically after just 10 minutes, the problems compound. Despite these failings lectures and presentation are still widely used, especially in business and higher education… so what can be done to make them more effective? Concrew Training's workshop on delivering more effective lectures and presentations demonstrates and provides practice on  simple, easy to apply techniques that make for more effective lectures and presentations Help your managers, sales teams, lecturers, teachers and trainers make more engaging and more effective lectures and presentations and help them get the key messages across by running this high quality high value workshop for them More information at http://concre...

the drivers behind high performance in education

Ofsted's Chief Inspector, Sir Michael Wilshaw, October 2016, comments on high performing multi academy trusts will be of interest to CEO's and senior management teams across all education providers and wider business too. Ultimately the success of any organisation is reliant on the focus the senior management team gives to key business parameters  Read the report at: #ofsted #ceo #leadership #education #fe #schools #academies #edchat #school #outstanding