Can Feedback improve learning?
Concrew Training, think so;
Developing and delivering well structured, highly focussed and effective feedback offers the biggest impact on student progression and achievement of any teaching and learning strategy.
Consequently it is one of the key criteria “Ofsted” use to measure outstanding teaching and learning: ‘learners understand how to improve as a result of frequent, detailed and accurate feedback from staff following assessment of their learning’.
For feedback to be truly effective it needs to focus the student on what they have done well and specifically what they need to next to maintain their progression. It needs to be tangible and transparent, easily understood, user-friendly and referenced to the students goals and targets. It also needs to be timely, ongoing, consistent and friendly. This is not easy, even for the most experienced teachers and trainers.
Most teachers and trainers will give feedback but most offers little benefit and much will actually be counter productive. This workshop considers when and how feedback should be delivered and provides templates and toolkits to help participants develop and structure delivery of their feedback, in ways that genuinely help student learning, progression and achievement.
Learn more about developing and delivering effective feedback in Concrew Training's one day workshop, feedback for improved learning
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