Teachers and SEN support staff will be able to apply for funds worth up to £1 million to develop specialist skills.

Teachers and special educational needs (SEN) support staff will from today be able to apply for funds from the National Scholarship Fund worth up to £1 million to develop their specialist knowledge and skills. For the fourth year running, teachers can bid for up to £3,500 while SEN support staff can bid for up to £2,000 to fund training which will improve the support available to children and young people with special educational needs. The application window for the fourth round will open for 4 weeks from 30 April. To date £7 million has been made available through the fund, benefiting almost 2,000 teachers and support staff in schools across the country. More at: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-scholarships-for-teachers-and-sen-support-staff


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