17% of university teachers on zero-hours contracts - UCU action today

07 May 14 Day of Action calls for end of 'no-rights' casualisation culture in universities and colleges Millions of students taught by staff with few rights or facilities • 30% of college teachers and 17% of university teachers on zero-hours contracts • 67% of university researchers on temporary contracts Members of UCU across the UK are taking part in a day of action tomorrow to draw attention to the vast numbers of staff employed on zero-hours or other temporary contracts in universities and colleges. The union says the sector is overly reliant on casualised staff with millions of students taught every day by temporary teachers with little or no employment rights or job security. Freedom of Information requests by UCU found that, in 112 further education colleges, 30% of teaching staff were on zero-hours or similar contracts. More at: http://www.ucu.org.uk/7048


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