10 Tips for Managing Redundancies Effectively

1.    Make sure the redundancy is genuine 
2.    Ensure all those involved are properly trained
a.    Senior Managers and Directors
b.    Operation Managers and HR staff
c.     Employee representatives
3.    Consult fully and properly
a.     Ensure representatives and those involved have access to all necessary information
4.    Adhere to the law and the latest in good practice
5.    Publish and follow redundancy procedures closely
6.    Have clear concise fair and objective selection criteria
a.    Avoid discrimination
b.    Be seen to be fair, reasonable and caring
7.    Ensure clarity on the groups redundancy will be selected from
8.    Explore alternative options to compulsory redundancy
a.     alternative roles or duties
b.    Voluntary redundancy
8. Calculate redundancy payments and entitlements correctly
9. Plan for dismissal meetings and appeals
10. Have a plan to support and counsel staff including those not directly involved

For more information check out the ACAS following ACAS publication or book a training course from Concrew Training.

Concrew Training COURSE FOR MANAGERs and HR Teams


ACAS GUIDANCE BOOKLEThttp://www.acas.org.uk/media/pdf/h/3/Handling-large-scale-collective-redundancies-advisory-booklet.pdf

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