Improving the Effectiveness of Student Reviews
When carried out correctly, regular reviews, with students, of their own individual goals, targets, learning and progress make a significant contribution to their overall progression and achievement; and ultimately inspection results too.
High quality student reviews can also deliver step changes in students’, attitude, motivation and empowerment and related life skills such as communication, problem solving and tenacity.
For any student review to be truly effective, they need to focus the student on what they have done well, what they have achieved and specifically what they need to next to maintain their progression.
Review outcomes need to be tangible and transparent, easily understood, user-friendly and referenced to the students goals and targets. They also need to be timely, ongoing, consistent and friendly.
This is not easy, not even for the most experienced teachers, trainers and support teams.
Focusining on the following can help
- The use of discussion
- The use of active questioning
- The use of active listening
- Identifying and overcoming perceived barriers
- Focussing on what the student has learnt and achieve
- Include programme specifics and wider personal skills
- Developing meaningful and measurable targets that students can understand, agree with and can own
Concrew Training's one-day workshop on Student Reviews for Practitioners covers all the above and much much more.
Delivered on your premises and dovetailed to your review existing policies procedures and processes where needed it enables those tasked with carrying out student reviews to explore their current styles and approaches and identify how and where improvements can be made. Improvements that ultimately should deliver improvements to student progression, achievement and grade results.
To find out more about running this one-day workshop as an in-house staff CPD day please email, call or contact us via our web site
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