The Fight For Equal Pay
The UK has had equal pay laws in place for many years now but UK national statistics still show the gaps and differences to be significant.
Women are paid less than men. Full staff receive more than their part time equivalents. For the disabled and those from minority groups the gaps and differences are often far greater.
If organisations and business in the UK are struggling to deliver equal pay the problem world wide will be far far greater.
Whilst most organisations, businesses and employers believe they offer equal pay and benefits even the largest and most respected can find their staff think differently.
In 2014 workers from the Walmart subsidiary ASDA took a test case to tribunal. ASDA is adamant that the claim has no merit but it does illustrate how diverse opinions can be and workers in even the largest and most respected of organisations may think pay and benefits are not be as equal as they could be. Related media reports here and here
Equal Pay Day 2015
Women are paid less than men. Full staff receive more than their part time equivalents. For the disabled and those from minority groups the gaps and differences are often far greater.
If organisations and business in the UK are struggling to deliver equal pay the problem world wide will be far far greater.
Join the campaign to fight for equal pay by clicking this link and then one of the Social Media support buttons
All we need is one support click from each reader to make the social media campaign go viral and raise the profile of unequal pay and the need for all companies to conduct robust equal pay audits
Whilst most organisations, businesses and employers believe they offer equal pay and benefits even the largest and most respected can find their staff think differently.
In 2014 workers from the Walmart subsidiary ASDA took a test case to tribunal. ASDA is adamant that the claim has no merit but it does illustrate how diverse opinions can be and workers in even the largest and most respected of organisations may think pay and benefits are not be as equal as they could be. Related media reports here and here
Equal Pay Day 2015
In a further drive to deliver equal pay the UK Government authorised Employment Tribunals (courts) to impose equal pay audits on employers and require them to publish their findings when any unfair pay claim was found valid.
In the UK there is a very strong case to argue that all employers should conduct their own internal equal pay audits
Knowing if your organisation has a problem and being able to address it in a planned and co-ordinated way has significant benefits over an imposed audit where the findings are likely to be under far closer scrutiny and have to be published for all to see.
There are also clear benefits to be had in terms of staff morale and commitment to any organisation that acts pro-actively, especially if problems exist.
In the UK there is a very strong case to argue that all employers should conduct their own internal equal pay audits
Knowing if your organisation has a problem and being able to address it in a planned and co-ordinated way has significant benefits over an imposed audit where the findings are likely to be under far closer scrutiny and have to be published for all to see.
There are also clear benefits to be had in terms of staff morale and commitment to any organisation that acts pro-actively, especially if problems exist.
Equal Pay Audit Training Course
#equalpay #hr #management #humaresources #equality #e&d #schools #fe #ceo #women #job #rights #concrewtraining
UK Government looks to be introducing mandatory reporting of gender pay gaps