A proposal for a radical reform of school inspection and improvement

The Education Union, ATL,  proposes:

A radical reform of school inspection and improvement

ATL, the forward-thinking union that believes in debate not demand have published their vision for a radical reform of school inspection and improvement

Their vision is for inspection based round five key principles:

  • High quality education would be defined by what is right for pupils in a given school, not by centrally determined criteria chosen because they are easy to measure, nor by benchmarks or a focus for short-term political or media appeasement.
  • Its nature would be supportive not adversarial; advisory not dictatorial; empowering not punitive.
  • Self-assessment and professional dialogue would be central. Data would be used to guide, not decide.
  • Inspection teams would have a continual relationship with schools, supporting the improvement of individuals or teams as necessary, and constituting a type of formative assessment. It would not be necessary to look at all provision on each visit – for example, there could be a subject focus to a given visit.
  • Full inspections, as a summative assessment, would take place only occasionally. They would be triggered by a local stakeholder request, the inspection and improvement partnership determining that capacity to improve is limited or that a sufficient number of areas of provision causing concern warrant whole-school inspection. Findings under a full inspection would be able to offer a clear public signal when there is severe weakness causing the quality of education to be below a good standard. 
#schools #education #teachers #ATL #ofsted


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