Data Protection Changes Onerous but Largely Unknown

The proposed changes to Data Protection Legislation are onerous and some might even say draconian.   100 Million Euro fines for breaches !! But more worrying still is the large number of UK businesses who are unaware of the proposed changes.

If these are implemented in the way the draft European directives propose then all businesses that store customer or supplier data are likely to be affected and the the impact will be significant.

It is imperative that all businesses and organisations ensure they are familiar with the proposed changes and begin to plan for worst case scenarios.  

Leaving action to the last minute is likely to be too late.

Concrew Training's one-day course on Data Protection brings participants up to date on current requirements and how these may change in the very near future.  In doing so it helps participants understand and prepare for the changes better

#hr #data #dataprotection #equalities #ceo #management #leadership #it


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