Teaching E-Safety to Students a one-day workshop

This new one-day workshop explores how Social Media can be used to develop their research, communication and life skills whilst simultaneously raising their awareness of the potential risks posed by the internet and what to do if they encounter a possible problem.
The use of technology, the internet and social media is an everyday occurrence for most of today’s young people and something that they feel comfortable and confident with – but are they doing this in a safe and supportive environment?
Online fraud, grooming and graphic images of abuse/pornography are widespread. These present very real risks to all users but conversely the internet and social media provide highly effective opportunities for research and communication both locally and worldwide.
Historically many education providers, keen to protect students under their care, placed blanket bans on internet access or social media sites thankfully such approaches are usually seen as outdated.
The internet and social media are increasingly integral to both business and private life and the modern student needs to understand how to use them in a safe manner. To understand what the risks are and how potential risks can be identified and reported.
The workshop will help teachers to offer relevant opportunities for developing safe social media practice together with the wider opportunities for learning through the use of social media.
More Information HERE >>>

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