
Showing posts from July, 2015

RARPA 2015 - 2016

Revisiting RARPA RARPA - Recognising & Recording Progress & Achievement “RARPA” (Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement) was developed many years ago, as a set of tools and approaches to validate learning within programmes that did not lead to accredited qualification outcome. For many “RARPA” seems to have been largely forgotten or overlooked This is unfortunate because the principles of RARPA and its approaches to measuring, tracking and evidencing progress and achievement still hold good today.  Not only do they provide immense value within non accredited programmes they also offer significant scope for enhancing learning and quality assurance within accredited programmes too.  Modern day RARPA allows tutors and students to agree targets, milestones and how robust evidence can be gathered. In doing so evidence of starting points, progress and competence is collected and by using evidence that relates closely to assessment criteria accredited ...

Support Anti Bullying Week - 16 to 20 November 2015

Anti Bullying week 2015 runs from 16th to 20th November 2015. Now is the perfect time to provide refresher training to management and staff on what bullying looks like and how they can help identify and prevent it. Concrew Training's one day course on Combating Bullying and Harassment is designed to meet these needs Course Overview - Combating Bullying and Harrassment Understand the issues better:

Equal Pay Reporting - UK Gov Consultation

Concrew Training has been highlighting the need for equal pay audits for some time now and the deadline is drawing close. Despite the voluntary reporting initiative being introduced in 2011 less than half a dozen companies have actually published details of their pay gender gap. On 6th March the Government announced that they would move towards introducing mandatory reporting; these new measures will be introduced in 2016. today 14 July 2015 saw the launch of a consultation on and around the details.   More information here   The consultation closes in 06 September so interested parties need to respond quickly.  Introducing Equal Pay auditing and reporting can be complex and those organisations affected, ie with more than 250 employees, need to start planning now.   Concrew Training are pleased to be able to offer high value training and consultancy in this area.   Please contact us for more information #hr #humanresources #...