RARPA 2015 - 2016
Revisiting RARPA RARPA - Recognising & Recording Progress & Achievement “RARPA” (Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement) was developed many years ago, as a set of tools and approaches to validate learning within programmes that did not lead to accredited qualification outcome. For many “RARPA” seems to have been largely forgotten or overlooked This is unfortunate because the principles of RARPA and its approaches to measuring, tracking and evidencing progress and achievement still hold good today. Not only do they provide immense value within non accredited programmes they also offer significant scope for enhancing learning and quality assurance within accredited programmes too. Modern day RARPA allows tutors and students to agree targets, milestones and how robust evidence can be gathered. In doing so evidence of starting points, progress and competence is collected and by using evidence that relates closely to assessment criteria accredited ...