Preparing for Gender Pay Gap Reporting - A one-day training course

Preparing for Gender Pay Gap Reporting

Mandatory gender pay gap reporting will soon be required.  From next year, the Government will require companies employing more than 250 employees to complete equal pay audits and publish their gender pay gap data.

It is probable that public pressure and sub contracting arrangements will 

cascade these requirements to many smaller organisations too.

Despite the Equal pay act 1970,  the Equal Value Amendment 1984 and the follow on Equality Act 2010 there are still wide variances in pay and benefits.   

The Government's gender pay reporting scheme, "Think, Act, Report" was designed to highlight and close the pay disparity between male and female employees but it was poorly supported; only 5 organisations actually published any figures.  The Office for National Statistics calculate the average disparity, for 2014, at 19.1%.  Down, slightly, from 19.8% in 2013.  Part time staff fair worse than full time staff but in simple terms the average woman earns just 81p for every £1 earned by her male colleagues. 

In October 2014, changes were made to allow Employment Tribunals to be able to order employers to carry out and publish the findings of an pay audit where a finding is made against them in an equal pay or gender discrimination claims relating to pay or non contractual pay such as discretionary bonuses but the 2016 requirements will affect far more Employers

It is recommended that all organisations conduct equal pay audits and take action to ensure HR teams and line managers understand the latest requirements and that staff selection, recruitment and pay rates and reviewed to ensure that the organisations performance and policies in terms of equal pay generates a positive image.

The consequences of poor performance are likely to go far deeper than fines and penalties, loss of staff and customer goodwill and reduced sub-contracting options could be far more damaging.

Concrew Trainings one-day workshop on equal pay audits helps HR teams and senior management understand what is required and provides comprehensive guidance on how to conduct a robust equal pay audit.

If you would like to know more about this workshop please see our web site

#hr #humanresources #equalpay


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