13 Common Data Protection Mistakes
What are the most important data protection issues facing your organisation?
Could any of these common 13 #dataprotection mistakes occur in your organisation?
Mistakes relating to:
- Data sharing agreements
- Retention schedules
- Encryption of portable devices
- Remote working
- Training
- Physical security
- Secure printing
- Role based access
- Password requirements
- Fair processing information
- Data protection leadership -governance
- Fax machines
- Data protection policies out of date
Secondly are you are aware of and ready for EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which applies to EU member states from 25 May 2018?
The #GDPR will affect any area in which personal data is processed, but it is in relation to on-line sales, marketing and employment that businesses are likely to process most data.
The decision to leave the EU means the GDPR will not apply directly in the UK, however if #data travels from or through the #EU (web servers ?) UK business will need to meet EU standards of protection and all UK businesses offering goods or services within the EU will need to comply. There is also the possibility that trade agreements with the EU may require compliance and/or the UK may implement similar legislation.
The GDPR is demanding and few organisations will be able to meet the regulations quickly. Advanced planning and action is essential.
Concrew Training's one-day workshop on data protection helps organisations prepare for the latest changes and ensure their current processes are robust
#EUdataP #dataprivacy #fe #he #ceo
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