Performance Management Drives Organisational Success

Performance Management Training

In many ways, modern #management demonstrates one of two underpinning virtuous circles, one performance enhancing the other performance reducing.

These #performance circles can act on individuals, teams, departments or whole companies and organisations, so it is possible for both to exist at the same time but usually one prevails.

These circles are often called, albeit often appropriately, “the company culture”.

In reality views on “the company culture” are usually dominated by the way an individual interacts with their line manager and reflects the local culture.

But one often begets another.

The performance-enhancing circle is usually found when people are enjoying their job, doing it well, and receive ongoing praise and recognition for their hard work. The praise and recognition encouraging them to perform still better and a positive performance circle or culture is created.
This is often achieved by ensuring each individual employee has a clear understanding of:
  • Their role, how it contributes to success of their department and the organisational overall.
  • Their short, medium and longer-term goals and objectives.
  • The strategies and approaches they need to follow to deliver their goals and objectives.
  • How you and they will measure progress and achievement against these objectives
  • The resources that are available to them, including people, and how to get the most from them
And their line managers, review progress and achievement with them on a frequent and regular basis. Where necessary agreeing new strategies and approaches to ensure progress towards the agreed goals and objectives.

A joined up approach that delivers results leads to praise, recognition and an upward performance circle. When progress is challenging new strategies and approaches can be agreed and praise focussed on the hard work and effort already put in.

It all sound easy but in reality this is far from easy to achieve

Many managers find themselves strategising and planning in isolation, overloaded with short-term targets and goals and unable to see a way to do more than dictate #targets and #goals to their subordinates and the downward spiral begins.

In addition, many managers may themselves need training and support in terms on agreeing strategies, approaches, conducting reviews and delivering feedback effectively. Concrew Training can help here. 

Concrew Training suggest all managers take time out and
  • think about how they, themselves, see the company culture
  • ponder how their staff and subordinates see the company culture
  • wonder what is moaned about in the lifts, stairs and coffee breaks
  • consider what more they could do to generate a more upward circle
  • think about the help and support they may need to implement a more strategic and effective management style
Most managers achieve their own goals and objectives better when their staff are on a positive upward spiral

#HR #leadership #business 


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