Equal Pay Reporting - Huge Fines Looming?

The deadlines for reporting on equal pay are 30 March 2018 for public sector organisations and 04 April 2018 for businesses and charities. 

The Equality and Human Rights Commission will commence enforcement action on 09 April 2018 giving a further 28 days to comply.

One recent estimates suggested 33% of FTSE 100 companies had still to report and another that for all eligible employers the figure was closer to 12%

Given the large number of organisations who have still to report and the time available to gather the information and report penalties are likely to be widespread.
It is also probable that many of those organisations who have ignored equal pay reporting will also have paid too little attention to The GDPR and will be at risk of fines for non compliance in that area too

#equalpay #gdpr #eprivacy #equality #concrewtraining


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