Coronavirus - Preparing for Layoffs

The Government has forecast that up to 20% of the workforce could be off sick with the #Coronavirus. 

We have already seen slumps in consumer demand; with airlines, travel companies and restaurants bearing the first brunt. As the virus spreads consumer demand will fall further and farther, couple this with staff off sick through illness and many companies may need to consider short time working, lay-offs or even #redundancies

There are very strict rules relating to all these options that need to be followed closely if employee goodwill is to be maintained and unfair dismissal claims avoided.

Concrew training recommends Senior Managers, HR staff and Employee representatives meet to discuss, explore and better understand the possible options, solutions and legalities, should business levels decline to a level that may demand #layoffs or short-time working.

Where needed Concrew Training can facilitate, lead or provide technical input on the legislation and rules that underpin the various options

Contact Concrew Training for more information


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