Working with Volunteers - 10 Tips for Success


With the recent requests for volunteers to help in the fight against the #Corvid19 #Coronavirus and provide support to those in need locally, we thought it might be useful to highlight the insight and feedback we have gained through our #training courses and workshops on working with #volunteers.

What made it a Good Experience for Volunteers?

·         Felt part of Workforce / Project

·         Not exploited – no discrimination

·         Matched my  skills to the opportunity

·         Valued –  felt welcomed from the start

·         Took account of my interests

·         Offered opportunities to further my interests

·         Good information / communications

·         Structured programme – not drifting

What made it Bad Experience for Volunteers?

·         Lengthy time gap between applying and doing!

·         Formal processes were tedious and put people off

·         Matching volunteers + skills to opportunity was a challenge

·         Resources inadequate to support volunteer

·         Time needed was excessive

·         Lack of communication - left on shelf

·         No safety standards applied

·         Lack of detailed information about role

·         Not being accepted - discrimination

·         Lack of awareness of  volunteering  benefits

·         Transport + Travel challenges especially in rural locations

·         Doubts that this is going to be beneficial  to career plans

Common Challenges Volunteers posed for Management and Volunteering Providers

·         Persistently Bad Timekeeping

·         Taking on tasks which go outside the agreed remit

·         Failure to respect clients/customers

·         Breach of health & safety regulations

·         Misuse of the organisations equipment or facilities

·         Theft  and Fraud

·         Breach of confidentiality

·         Discrimination/Harassment

·         Arriving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Throwing all the above into the melting pot we came up with 10 hints and tips to help managers and volunteer providers make volunteer working a success for all.

1.      Don’t create a contract of employment

2.      Pay reasonable expenses but no payments in kind

3.      Create a role description and volunteer agreement (protocols)

4.      Don’t forget some laws will apply to volunteers - eg: GDPR/DBS/Health and Safety

5.      Have clear communications - entry to exit interviews

6.      Provide training and induction – entry and throughout tenure

7.      Ensure that volunteering will provide an opportunity to develop existing skills & acquire new transferable skills for the world of work

8.      Appoint a “supervisor” or “support person” for volunteer throughout tenure

9.      Don’t exploit Volunteers: eg: by giving them work a paid person should be doing!

10.   Involve them as much as you can in work activities like team meetings etc

Think about

·         Choice

·         Diversity

·         Mutual Benefit

·         Legalities

·         Safety and Security

·         Saying Thank You

·         Well Being


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