
13 Common Data Protection Mistakes

What are the most important data protection issues facing your organisation?  Could any of these common 13 #dataprotection mistakes occur in your organisation? Mistakes relating to: Data sharing agreements Retention schedules Encryption of portable devices Remote working Training Physical security Secure printing   Role based access Password requirements Fair processing information Data protection leadership -governance Fax machines Data protection policies out of date  Secondly are you are aware of and ready for EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which applies to EU member states from 25 May 2018? The #GDPR will affect any area in which personal data is processed, but it is in relation to on-line sales, marketing and employment that businesses are likely to process most data. The decision to leave the EU means the GDPR will not apply directly in the UK, however if #data travels from or through the #EU (web servers ?) UK ...

Meeting the demands of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

The Teaching Excellence Framework for HE comes into effect for the 2016/17 academic year.   The higher education student cohort is becoming increasingly diverse and the traditional approaches to teaching, favoured by so many in HE are unlikely to deliver favourable TEF outcomes All those working in Higher Education need to review their teaching practice and ask is it really inclusive? does it engage all students? does it stretch and challenge all students? does it deliver deeper learning? does it encourage original thinking? How will students rate the quality of teaching Most Universities will need to look for ways to revitalise and re-energise their teaching and training delivery. Encouraging lecturers and tutors to consider how they can make their lectures, seminars and tutorials more engaging with a greater levels of differentiation and focus on stretching and challenging all students is a good starting point. Concrew Training's workshops on and around develo...

Ofsted report on PREVENT duty implementation in Further Education

Since 18 September 2015, further education and skills providers have been placed under a legal duty to have ‘due regard’ to the risk of learners being drawn into terrorism. On 12 July 2016, Ofsted issued a report on how well Further Education Learning Providers were meeting theses duties. Key findings included: The quality of staff training was ineffective in a third of the providers visited. Thirteen providers had been slow in putting the duty into practice. Two of the eight independent learning providers visited had not implemented any aspect of the ‘Prevent’ duty. The quality of risk assessments and action plans to reduce the risk of radicalisation and extremism was poor in 11 of the providers. Two independent learning providers had no risk assessments in place at all. Of the other nine providers, most adopted a ‘tick-box’ approach to risk assessment rather than conducting a comprehensive evaluation of risks. Leaders in nearly half the providers visited did not adequat...

Radicalisation - PREVENT duty for Education

The Medina suicide attacks, the Dallas police shooting, the grenade attack in Puchong, Malaysia, the rise of the dissident republicans in Northern Ireland  and even the fall out from the "burqa revolution" in Kerala show that radicalisation and terrorism present and ever increasing risk. The recent UK referendum and the political turmoil that has followed dominates the UK news - but the threat from terrorism has not gone away. The UK Government rate the international risk as severe, highly likely and the risk from Northern Ireland as substantial, a strong possibility. A third of the referrals to the "Channel Programme" (an early intervention multi-  agency process designed to  safeguard vulnerable  people  from being drawn into violent  extremist or terrorist behaviour) in 2015 came from the education sector. The Government believes schools, colleges learning providers and those working with vulnerable people are in a strong position to identif...

BREXIT - understanding and strategising

The initial responses to The UK's vote to leave the EU have, was say the least,dramatic. The follow on lack of vision and direction poses a real concern.      The leave campaign team appear to have differing ideas and goals and the Government appears to have put everything on hold for several months until they can work out a way forward. It is easy to say nothing will change for at least the next two to two and a half years and many be much longer BUT in the real world this presents a real problem.    Most businesses and organisations will need to make decisions well before any final exit deal is reached.   Many of these decisions just wont wait!!  Most of Concrew Training's HR related courses contain updates on the latest legislation, good practice and cystral ball visioning for the future.    We will continue this updating over the following months and years to make sure our courses contain the very latest developm...

RARPA Stages 6-8 Quality Assurance

The SFA’s funding arrangements for adult education, 2016-17, as published in March 2016 appear to offer far greater scope for the delivery of non-regulated programmes but a key condition of this improved funding flexibility requires providers to have: “appropriate and robust quality assurance processes in place. For instance ‘Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement’ (RARPA) that would be acceptable to Office of Standards in Education (Ofsted)”   All well and good I hear you say........... But the March 2016 Ofsted publication, "Moving Forward?" contains statements such as: “The use of systems to recognise and record learners’ progress and achievements was the weakest aspect of provision at all the providers sampled, especially where learners were not working towards a qualification. Providers were typically weak at developing and using a reliable system to improve the outcomes for their learners beyond the achievement of qualifications .”  Revisiting an...

External Funding for Academies and Schools Course

Another new funding course has just been added to our extensive portfolio of courses on how to access funding Funding for Schools and Academies The government is keen for all schools to convert to Academies by 2022 and expects schools to have plans in place to achieve this by 2020.    Academies have new legal structures; how does this impact on external funding? What are the funding opportunities? and what are the challenges?.  This workshop examines these issues and shows schools and Academies how to access external funding whatever their current legal structure.  READ MORE HERE We have a wide range of courses that explain alternative funding sources for most sectors and regions see here #schools #academies #edchat #funding #esf #education #schoolsfunding #headteacher

Information Governance (IG) Training Course

To complement our one-day workshop on Data Protection we have released a new workshop on Information Governance (IG). More information through the links below Data Protection Information Governance #HR #humanresources #privacy #dataprotection #informationgovernance #IG

The Ofsted Inspection Ready Nominee

Ensuring key managers are updated annually and especially, prior to any expected inspection, is crucial . Maintaining a current understanding of the latest inspection requirements and good practice, helps ensure the inspection goes well and the organisation is presented to optimum effect. Concrew Training’s one-day workshop provides this essential training. It helps Nominees, their deputies and senior managers, to remain inspection ready, despite the time lapse since the last Ofsted visit. (NB: Concrew Training has no relationship with Ofsted and this workshop is not endorsed by, supported by, or connected, to them) Find Out More Here

Autistic and Dyslexic Students - Bridging the Achievement Gap

This new one-day workshop focuses on the practical strategies learning providers can adopt to help maximise achievement and progress for students with ASC and dyslexia. Students with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) or dyslexia often have a good platform for learning, but they often struggle in traditional educational settings and fail to meet their expected targets. Find Out More Here