
New Ofsted School Inspection Handbooks

#Ofsted have released new #inspection handbooks for #schools School Inspection Handbook short, monitoring and unannounced behaviour school inspections

Data Protection - GDPR - ePrivacy: 21 things to think about

Data Protection, GDPR and ePrivacy - 21 things to think about Data sharing agreements with Data Processors Your policies define the lawful basis for your data processing Explicit opted in consent  Age verfication in place Customer use of WIFI Retention schedules Encryption of portable devices Remote working Training Physical security Secure printing USB sticks and DV/CD drives Restricted access - System access Data Protection Impact Assessments  Password requirements Records inventory ICO registration On-going awareness Data protection leadership Fax machines and lastly number 21 - the Penalties for non compliance.   The BBC report fines for the first 3 years from May 2018 could be in excess of £4 Billion ! Our one-day workshop on #DataProtection, #GDPR  and #ePrivacy helps you get data protection right. read the course overview here

GDPR and ePrivacy course updated

Updates to our Data Protection, #GDPR and #ePrivacy Regulation training course are now completed, the new format provides a comprehensive but easy to follow explanation of the May 2018 onwards #DataProtection requirements for all UK businesses and organisations. Read the full course overview here

Fantastic Feedback on our Stretch and Challenge Workshop for Teachers and Trainers

"Very informative and engaging training" "impressive knowledge conveyed authoritatively and in an engaging way demonstrating the content of the session in practice" "Excellence ideas and knowledge shared by a professional" "How can we get this cross-college to all staff" "Very engaging day with good level and activity" "Very informative and helpful" " It helped me to understand the stretch and challenge needs of my learners on a deeper level" read the workshop overview here #teaching #teachers #fe #furthereducation #training #schools #college

Support Anti Bullying Week 13 November 2017

November 13 to 17 is anti-bullying week.  It is the ideal time to make a commitment to help stamp out bullying and harassment.  Review your policies, Schedule Refresher Training and help stamp out bullying and harassment. Combatting Bullying and Harassment Training  from   Concrew Training DID YOU KNOW ? 1.5 million young people (50%) have been bullied within the past year. 145,800 (19%) of these were bullied EVERY DAY. People who have been bullied are almost twice as likely to bully others Twice as many boys as girls bully (66% of males vs. 31% females). 57% of female respondents have been bullied, 44% of male respondents have been bullied  59% of respondents who identified as trans have been bullied.  24% of those who have been bullied go on to bully.  Based on their own definition 14% of young people admit to bullying somebody 12% say they bully people daily. 20% of all young people have physically attacked somebody. 44% ...

more fantastic feedback on our employee rep training courses

check out the latest feed back at:

Opening Panshanger Airfield Welwyn Hatfield

We have been asked to give a mention to Project Phoenix  and their goal of regenerating Panshanger Airfield ProjectPhoenix has been set up by Panshanger Community Airfield who have always held the vision that the Aerodrome was a community asset and it is time to give it back to the community so everyone benefits. Even though aviation was the main theme, Panshanger Aerodrome was a place of unity that brought people together from all walks of life making it a real community hub and it is still missed by many. find out more at  Project Phoenix  

The New Apprenticeship Standards and End Point Assessment Explained

Following a number of concerns that the #Apprenticeship system was overly complex, #Trailblazer Groups were created in order to ensure the qualifications reflected industries real needs. The Trailblazer groups identify a set of knowledge, skills and behaviours which would represent their industry and set out an assessment strategy which culminates in a process called End Point Assessment. End Point Assessment requires each #Apprentice to demonstrate robust knowledge, skills and behaviours at the same level of training to Apprentices in every other sector or part of the country. #Ofqual involvement is ensuring quality throughout. The New Apprenticeship system includes: Stages of assessment identified through employer recommended activities and industry-recommended assessment strategies, both being part of the Apprenticeship and mandated within the standards. Training Organisations and Employers will be involved in the provision of on-programme t...

£500,000 to help victims of discrimination in education to access legal support.

Legal representatives or advisors can request funding or assistance from the Equality and Human Rights Commission on behalf of individuals from 11 September 2017. The project is intended for cases which: relate to discrimination in schools, further and higher education providers or general qualification bodies where  Part 6 of the Equality Act  has been breached relate to discrimination on the grounds of one or more of the  protected characteristics  outlined in the  Equality Act 2010 find out more here

Performance Management Drives Organisational Success

In many ways, modern #management demonstrates one of two underpinning virtuous circles, one performance enhancing the other performance reducing. These #performance circles can act on individuals, teams, departments or whole companies and organisations, so it is possible for both to exist at the same time but usually one prevails. These circles are often called, albeit often appropriately, “the company culture”. In reality views on “the company culture” are usually dominated by the way an individual interacts with their line manager and reflects the local culture. But one often begets another. The performance-enhancing circle is usually found when people are enjoying their job, doing it well, and receive ongoing praise and recognition for their hard work. The praise and recognition encouraging them to perform still better and a positive performance circle or culture is created.   This is often achieved by ensuring each individual employee has a clear un...