
Have you conducted an equal pay audit yet ? learn how now !

Despite the fast approaching deadline for larger businesses to publish details on gender pay gap differences it is thought that too many senior managers believe that they offer all staff equal pay and benefits for equal roles and consequently have not given thought to the consequences if their belief is misplaced. The current tribunal case brought by Asda store staff provides a good indication of how differences can be perceived and the implications of such differences of opinion.   In most cases equal pay audits can be used to identify and address issues before they escalate to levels such as this. Concrew Training's  equal pay and gender pay gap audit training courses help senior managers and HR staff conduct more effective equal pay audits.  #Asda #EqualPayDay #EqualPay #WomenSucceed #ukemplaw #hr #humanresources #paygap #union #hrnews #genderequality # gendergap #ConcrewTraining

Great Feedback on our training course The Effective Employee Rep

Some great feedback on the Effective Employee Representative Training we delivered last week for a major building, refurbishment, Maintenance and Energy contractor. read the course overview and the latest delegate feedback here #hr #humanresources #training #cpd #concrewtraining #ukedchat #workplace #unions #union #work #employee #employmentlaw #jobs

Delivering More Effective Lectures and Presentations

Using lectures and presentations to get important messages across is far from easy. The longer the lecture the more difficult the task becomes.  Learning by listening and note taking is seldom effective and  when the audiences’ attention wanes, typically after just 10 minutes, the problems compound. Despite these failings lectures and presentation are still widely used, especially in business and higher education… so what can be done to make them more effective? Concrew Training's workshop on delivering more effective lectures and presentations demonstrates and provides practice on  simple, easy to apply techniques that make for more effective lectures and presentations Help your managers, sales teams, lecturers, teachers and trainers make more engaging and more effective lectures and presentations and help them get the key messages across by running this high quality high value workshop for them More information at http://concre...

the drivers behind high performance in education

Ofsted's Chief Inspector, Sir Michael Wilshaw, October 2016, comments on high performing multi academy trusts will be of interest to CEO's and senior management teams across all education providers and wider business too. Ultimately the success of any organisation is reliant on the focus the senior management team gives to key business parameters  Read the report at: #ofsted #ceo #leadership #education #fe #schools #academies #edchat #school #outstanding

andragogical teaching to improve English GCSE grades

The finer points of the English language are complicated, which makes teaching this subject difficult; doubly so, when students' need to develop their independent thinking abilities in parallel. The ongoing need to achieve GCSE qualifications at, or above, grade C means more learners are sitting the exams but the proportion succeeding has dropped dramatically; a new approach is needed! Is there a case for moving away from traditional teaching techniques and placing more emphasis on holistic and andragogical learning? That is to say to give more priority to self-analysis, collaborative study, problem solving and team building Concrew Training thinks so - what do you think ? #edchat #schools #furthereducation #fe #teachers #English #GCSE #functionalskills #criticalthinking #concrewtraining #teaching #literacy #education

People and Performance Management Training

A one-day in-house management development course People and Performance Management techniques & approaches that maximise staff performance Managing staff, delivering outputs and driving quality improvement is not easy, especially for first-line managers and team leaders who take responsibility for a large and diverse team; many of whom may work on a part basis or freelance basis.  Couple this with the constantly changing goals and regulations that need to be cascaded and met and the challenge grows exponentially. Many junior managers will have been appointed because they performed well in previous roles but as their responsibilities grow they need a larger skills set. Our fast paced and intensive but fun day is for managers who want to be more effective in role. It provides a wealth of guidance and support on: 1. The Modern Change Agenda - Keeping up to speed 2. Best Practice Performance Management Systems 3. The skills needed to engage with & suppo...

Ofsted Update their School Inspection Handbook - 23 August 2016

Today, 23 August 2016, #Ofsted published updated guidance on how they Inspect #Schools. Read more on the Ofsted Website >>>>>> #edchat #concrewtraining #cif #education #teachers 

Ofsted Update Guidance on Inspecting Safeguarding - 23 August 2016

#Ofsted have today, 23 august 2016, updated their guidance on how inspectors should inspect #Safeguarding in early years, education and skills under the common inspection framework Read the latest guidance here #fe #furthereducation #edchat #concrewtraining #wbl #apprenticeships #earlyyears #cif #education #schools #teachers

Gender Pay Gap Reporting Training Course & Consultancy

Concrew Training's one-day good practice workshop on Equal Pay Audits brings participants up to speed on the latest requirements for Gender Pay Gap Reporting and how best to meet them.  We can also provide consultancy on and around your systems and procedures find out more here #equalpay #equalpayday #gendergap #equalrights #equalityact #hr #humanresources  #concrewtraining #employment #tribunal #CEO #fe #schools #publicsector #unions

Gender Pay Reporting - Are You Ready?

What’s Happening and When The latest indication are that larger UK Employers will have to publish reports on gender gaps in pay and benefits in 2018 and whilst this may seem like a long way off, It is probable that the reporting period will be on the 2017/18 financial year. Which leaves just 9 months for employers to ensure their pay and benefits offer is non-discriminatory.  The Drivers Behind Reporting Despite the Equal Pay Act being introduced some 46 years ago The 2015 Office for National Statistic’s annual survey of hours and earnings showed wide variances in gender pay.  Variances were reported across all industries and services and by location, age, sector, and role.   Many of the variances reported were worryingly high.  For example:           Within education, the average gap was 25.7%           Across all industries and services it was 19.1% The Worry for Business It is probabl...