
Training in Leeds Training in Bradford

Concrew Training offer high quality, low cost, training courses at your offices in Leeds  Bradford and the surrounding areas.  Popular courses include: Training for Employee Representatives and Staff Reps in Leeds Bradford Employment Law Training in Leeds Bradford Using Social Media in The Workplace in Leeds Bradford Equality and Diversity Training in Leeds Bradford GDPR Data Protection Training in Leeds Bradford Data Protection Privacy Impact Assessments Training in Leeds Bradford Preventing Bullying and Harassment Training in Leeds Bradford Combating Modern Slavery Training in Leeds Bradford First Line Management Training in Leeds Bradford Finance for Non Financial Managers Training in Leeds Bradford Bid and Tender Writing Training in Leeds Bradford Writing Defensible Documents Training in Leeds Bradford Staff Recruitment Training in Leeds Bradford Appraisals Training in Leeds Bradford And much much more - See our full list of courses here

Training in Birmingham and The Black Country

Concrew Training deliver high quality, high value, training on your premises in Birmingham, The Black Country and all the surrounding areas.  Popular courses include: Training for Employee Representatives and Staff Reps in Birmingham Employment Law Training in Birmingham Using Social Media in The Workplace Training in Birmingham Equality and Diversity Training in Birmingham GDPR Data Protection Training in Birmingham Data Protection Privacy Impact Assessments Training in Birmingham Preventing Bullying and Harassment Training in Birmingham Modern Slavery Awarerness Training in Birmingham First Line Management Training in Birmingham Finance for Non Financial Managers Training in Birmingham Bid and Tender Writing Training in Birmingham Writing Defensible Documents Training in Birmingham Staff Recruitment Training in Birmingham Appraisals Training in Birmingham And much much more - See our full list of courses here

Training in Grimsby and Hul

Concrew Training delivers high quality, training in Grimsby, Hull and along the M62 Corridor. Contact us today for a best price quote. Courses include: Training for Employee Representatives and Staff Reps in Grimsby and Hull Employment Law Training in Grimsby and Hull Using Social Media in The Workplace in Grimsby and Hull Equality and Diversity Training in Grimsby and Hull GDPR Data Protection Training in Grimsby and Hull Data Protection Privacy Impact Assessments Training in Grimsby and Hull Preventing Bullying and Harassment Training in Grimsby and Hull Combating Modern Slavery Training in Grimsby and Hull First Line Management Training in Grimsby and Hull Finance for Non Financial Managers Training in Grimsby and Hull Bid and Tender Writing Training in Grimsby and Hull Writing Defensible Documents Training in Grimsby and Hull Staff Recruitment Training in Grimsby and Hull Appraisals Training in Grimsby and Hull And much much more - See our full list of courses h

Writing Defensible Documents Training

How many managers and staff have been trained to write case notes and reports that will withstand the rigour of legal scrutiny? For those organsiations providing services to users, especially within #health and #social care, in the event of appeal or challenge to a decision or course of action; case notes and reports become valuable sources of evidence. It is far easier to defend your position/judgement/decsion when the supporting case notes and #reports are robust.  #Training management and staff to write in a more robust and #defensible way offers real benefit Concrew Training's one-day training course on writing defensible documents helps participants understand how, where and why their case notes and reports may be used and provides hints tips and guidance to help them write in a more robust defensible way Read more about the course here >>>>>

Islamophobia and Social Media Policies

#Antisemitismin the #labourparty (link) , #islamophibia in the #conservativeparty (link) are 2 high profile examples of why every company and organisation needs robust policies regarding staff's use of social media. Firstly companies and organisatiosn need to make it explicitly clear to employees what is and is not allowed and secondly ensure this is backed up by robust policies and procedures that support #disciplnary action and #dismisal in the event that unsuitable comments are posted to social media. Far too many companies and organisations loose at #tribunals because their policies and procedures did not support the disciplinary/dismisal action they too. Our one-day workshop on social media rights and responsiblities can be tailored to staff training or the writing/updating of robust policies and procedures    

bullying investigations - why bother?

One has to ask whether Gemma White's July 2019 investigation and report on #bullying in #Parliament was a complete waste of time and money given the antics we have seen in the last few days. But there are lessons to be learned, it is easy to champion #anti-bullying but it is all too easy to revert to form and for managers to use bullying to acheive their desired outcomes.   Ultmately anti-bullying policies need to be lead from the top and cascesed throughout the organisation - there is logic in suggesting training should start at #Director level and be cascaded down.   

changes to GDPR August 2019

with most people back to work after their summer break Concrew Training thought it might be useful to highlight recent changes in the time limits or responding to #GDPR information requests.   See the following #ICO pages for more information Right of access Right to rectification Right to erasure Right to restrict processing Right to data portability Right to object GDPR and PECR training including privacy impact assessments is available from Concrew Training.  MORE INFO HERE

third party equipment hire for training

One of Concrew Training's goals is to offer our clients exceptional #value for money. One of the ways we do this is to encourage our clients to provide the #training room and print materials locally.   This means we don't have the carry the overheads associated with high quality printers and projectors etc.   Our approach may have back fired today when a client asked us to supply.  Quotes to hire were in the region of 30% of low cost purchases !

Combatting Modern Slavery Training

Moden #Slavery is in the news again.  Major slaverly ring in the  West Midlands exploited at least 400 people.  2018 saw prosecutions for modern slavery rise by 25% but it is suspected this is just the thin end of the wedge. All businesses need to raise managment awareness of modern slavery, the law and the risks it poses in terms of #ethics, #finance and #PR  Concrew Training's one-day workshop on Combatting Modern Slavery provides a high value route for raising awareness and exploring how best to cleanse the supply chain.


Workplace Employment disputes grievances & tribunals claims are expensive. They need to be avoided. This training reduces problems & helps evidence the employers adherence to good practice. #Employment #workplace #disputes #grievances and #tribunals usually arise due to a lack of clarity or understanding of employment law, policies and procedures or just unreasonable behaviour. Ensuring Managers are properly trained helps significantly Unreasonable behaviour may be on the part of the employer or employee or sometimes both. Much of employment law is underpinned by the principles of ‘fairness‘ and ‘reasonableness‘ and the question “what is reasonable, practical and proportionate?” is threaded into our training course as profiled below. Individual employment rights have really increased in recent years and likely to increase still further; with these increases comes the associated increase in risk that employers will need to deal with an increase in grievanc