
Showing posts from June, 2014

Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill spells end for Zero Hours Contracts ?

The recently announced Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill includes a very heavy focus on zero hours contracts. The starting point is that staff on zero hours contracts will be free to find work with more than one employer. Exclusivity clauses which prevent an individual from working for another employer, even when no work is guaranteed are to be made unlawful. Critics have long argued that the use of exclusivity clauses in zero hours contracts undermines choice and flexibility for the individuals concerned. Ministers say the reform will benefit the 125,000 zero hours contract workers currently estimated to be tied to an exclusivity clause and is part of a bid to clamp down on abuses in the workplace by less scrupulous employers. It will allow workers to look for additional work to boost their income. The government say the reform will command widespread public support and point to their consultation responses on the initiative last year.36, 000 people responded to the g...

Feedback for Learning

Developing and delivering well structured, highly focused and effective feedback offers the biggest impact on student progression and achievement of any teaching and learning strategy. Most teachers and trainers will give feedback but most offers little benefit and much will actually be counter productive. For feedback to be truly effective it needs to focus the student on what they have done well and specifically what they need to next to maintain their progression. It needs to be tangible and transparent, easily understood, user-friendly and referenced to the students goals and targets. It also needs to be timely, ongoing, consistent and friendly. This is not easy, even for the most experienced teachers and trainers.

Identifying and Accessing Funding

Concrew Training offer a range of workshops that explore how and where funding can be found and sourced

Mental Health Behaviour Problems in Schools

The Government has just released details of how it plans to help schools support better those students who have mental health problems. Concrew Training provides support that compliments this

DfE Consultation - compel schools and colleges to publish performance data

the DfE is seeking views on proposals for publicly funded schools and colleges to publish performance measures on their websites.

First Line Management - A real challenge ?

The role of the first-line manager is arguably one of the most important tasks in any organisation or business. Getting the best out of staff, often in circumstances where time and resources are limited, is a demanding task for all managers but for those new to management, with limited experience of managing people, the challenges are even more daunting. First Line Managers need to increase their understanding of and confidence in, competences and approaches that underpin effective management and in so doing, understand what attributes and actions they need to deliver high performance. This includes how to plan and manage their personal development as well as the professional changes involved when taking on such a vital role. #ConcrewTraining #managementtraining

Queen’s Speech – Equalities and Employment Implications

Queen’s Speech announced over a dozen new pieces of legislation and new initiatives which will be introduced before the General Election. Many of them have an employment, equality or business dimension. • Laws making it easier to punish directors who ignore their responsibilities and break the law. • Increased protection for volunteers • Parents with children aged under 12 to receive up to £2,000 a year in free childcare. • Child Neglect Bill protecting children from criminal neglect. • New Pension laws setting out new freedoms for pensioners • Powers to tackle abuse of zero-hours contracts • Higher penalties for employers failing to pay the National Minimum Wage • A "Modern Slavery" law to give victims of slavery compensation • Ombudsman to deal with complaints from or about members of the Armed Services • Landlords who knowingly lease premises to criminal gangs will face up to five years’ imprisonment. This new offence will also apply to commercial landlords and ot...

Why ALL managers need "Train the Trainer" training

Ultimately all managers, supervisors and even staff are involved in training others be it showing someone how to do something, giving presentations, imparting guidance, coaching, mentoring or developing and delivering more formal training courses. To maximise learning Managers need to be able to hit the training ground running and get training off to a great start by ‘setting the scene’ and getting ‘buy in’ from participants. They need to be able to encourage enthusiasm and involvement, and gain commitment from trainees know how to understand and dealwith “difficult” or resistant people give clear instructions to achieve chances in skill level and attitude use the best training approach for different situations – either facilitative or directive. blend an appropriate mix of activities into any course from “talk and chalk” to lively and interactive use creative thinking techniques understand the merits and de-merits of role play in training They also need to know how to effectively ...

Becoming a More Strategic Manager

Developing a more strategic approach to management With the flatter management structures that operate within business today it is important both for short term success and longer term promotion that operational and even first line managers work in a strategic manner. There is increasing pressure to implement effective systems, policies and procedures that deliver results and excellent services. At its simplest level thought needs to be given to forward planning, team development and staff succession planning. Whilst more advanced strategic planning may include cascading business development targets to team members and linking these to appraisals and performance reviews. The #ConcrewTraining workshop on strategic management explores the typical roles and responsibilities of operational managers and considers how, where and when a more strategic and forward thinking management style could deliver improved team and personal performance across the short, medium and longer terms. ...